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Charlotte Mason Method

The Charlotte Mason Method is an educational approach that emphasizes a well-rounded education, focusing on the development of a child's character, habits, and knowledge. It was developed by British educator Charlotte Mason in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Here are some key aspects of Charlotte Mason Method homeschooling..

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  1. Living Books: The Charlotte Mason Method advocates the use of living books, which are well-written, engaging books that spark the child's imagination and make learning come alive. These books cover a wide range of subjects, including literature, history, science, art, and more. The emphasis is on quality literature rather than dry textbooks.

  2. Short, Focused Lessons: Charlotte Mason recommended short lessons that last around 10-20 minutes for younger children and gradually increase in length as they grow older. The idea is to keep lessons focused and engaging, promoting attentiveness and concentration. This method encourages the child to actively participate and interact with the material.

  3. Narration: Narration is a key component of the Charlotte Mason Method. After reading a passage or completing a lesson, the child is asked to narrate or retell what they have learned in their own words. This helps reinforce comprehension, memory, and the ability to express ideas effectively.

  4. Nature Study: The Charlotte Mason Method places a strong emphasis on nature study and outdoor exploration. Children are encouraged to observe and appreciate the natural world, engage in nature walks, keep nature journals, and learn about plants, animals, and the environment. Nature study helps foster a sense of wonder, curiosity, and a connection with the natural world.

  5. Art, Music, and Handicrafts: This method values the inclusion of art, music, and handicrafts in the child's education. Children are exposed to great works of art, classical music, and given opportunities to engage in hands-on artistic activities and handicrafts. This helps cultivate creativity, aesthetic appreciation, and practical skills.

  6. Character Development: The Charlotte Mason Method recognizes the importance of character development alongside academic learning. It focuses on instilling virtues, good habits, and moral values through living examples, stories, and discussions. Children are encouraged to practice habits such as attentiveness, diligence, truthfulness, and respect.

  7. Outdoor Play and Physical Activity: Along with academic pursuits, the Charlotte Mason Method emphasizes the importance of outdoor play and physical activity for the overall development of the child. Children are encouraged to spend time outdoors, engage in physical exercises, and participate in games and sports.

  8. Masterly Inactivity: Charlotte Mason advocated for "masterly inactivity," which means giving children time and space to explore, think, and develop their own ideas. It involves stepping back and allowing children to take initiative in their learning while the parent or educator provides support, guidance, and resources.


Overall, the Charlotte Mason Method aims to provide a rich and holistic education that nurtures the child's mind, heart, and character through a living, literature-based curriculum, outdoor experiences, and the cultivation of good habits.

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